
Tuesday, 8 January 2019

The drivers will now have to compulsorily do this work, click the entire process

New Delhi: Last year, the Supreme Court had clarified that the figures were not compulsory. However, it will be necessary to connect to support in the coming days. For this, the government is bringing a new law. After applying this law, compliance with the driving licenses will be complied with. In this case it is necessary to know what is the method of linking home-based support driving licenses. There are some steps for this, by following that you can easily attach your support to a driving license.
1. Support and driving license information will be provided on the website of the road and transport department of all the states.
2. For which you have to first go to the official road transport website.
3. Here you will get the option of 'link Aadhar'.
4. After that you will be given a driving license number by clicking on the submit button.
5. You will get an OTP and it will go to the registered mobile number.
6. Submit this OTP and submit a change.
What is the reason for linking compulsory?
Union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad showed the reason for compulsory linking support with a license during a program on Sunday. He said that, at present, it is possible that the person who gets the accident escapes the incident and receives a duplicate license. Which will help him to get rid of the sentence. He said that even after joining the base, he may change his name but not biometrics. Neither the eyeball can change. To get it needed to punish it.
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