New Delhi: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will start giving financial assistance of Rs. 6000 per annum to the small and marginal farmers under Prime Minister Kisan Yojana only from Gorakhpur. The Prime Minister will transfer one-click on February 24 in the bank account of the country's 12 crore beneficiaries, amounting to two thousand rupees of his first installment.
The government wants that advertisements made in the interim budget will be implemented before the election code of conduct is implemented. It can be started from Gorakhpur on February 24, here is the Prime Minister in the concluding ceremony of farmers' program. The Prime Minister can start transferring money to some farmers' accounts by pressing a button in the ceremony. Farmers' accounts will be credited directly to 2000 rupees.
The second plan is a plan to provide pension to people in unorganized areas, which can also start in the second week of the Prime Minister. However, the notification of this scheme has been declared. Those who are in the unorganized sector from the age group of 18 to 40 years from February 15 will benefit. The Prime Minister will inform a large number of people about this plan in a big program in the second week of March.